Monday, July 27, 2009

For the love of the long run.

We had our 12 mile run Saturday. I was beginning to have some self doubt about if I was going to be able to get to the start line on October 11th. I am signed up to run The Chicago Marathon and I am training with CARA (Chicago Area Runners Association) This last run was a real test for me because I had in my head that if after this run I was feeling too much pain in my right leg, I was not going to be able to manage the high mileage that is still to come in the next 9 weeks. So, I prepared myself with a good night sleep the night before and I ate pretty clean during the week.

I am so happy to report that I am feeling better, yes better, than before the 12 mile run. I attribute this to a few things. Last week I got a massage, My first massage since I started my training in February and it felt so great. I iced the spots that had been hurting and I found some great stretches online for hips and calves. I sat in a very cold bath right after the run for about ten minutes. I am wondering also if the fact that I didn't sit down most of the afternoon on Saturday helped in an active recovery sort of way?

The longer runs have really surprised me. The first time I looked over a marathon training schedule I saw the daunting distance of the weekly long runs. I was barely making it through 3 miles three times a week. I really didn't see how I was going to be able to run 9, 10, 12 miles straight. A few things helped change my mind. I started to carry water, I experimented with energy gels and blocks and I slowed my pace. I have really come to crave the long, slow distance run and every week I feel a little closer to my goal of getting to the starting line of the 26.2.