Every training run I spent at least a few minutes visualizing running the marathon and what it would feel like to cross the finish line. I figured there was a chance I'd cry, scream, hug a fellow runner. I had a strong sense that what I was doing each and every day was ultimately more important than the actual marathon. The commitment and routine of preparing my things the night before, eating and hydrating, getting in bed early and waking before the heat of the day set in. All of these little things would lead up to the final day when I would stand along with many other brave runners to test our bodies and minds to run 26.2 straight miles.
The thing is even when running the race, the only thing that matters is the now. Staying in the moment and putting one foot in front of the other with the faith that eventually those small steps equal to miles and those miles bring you to the finish line. I had an epiphany on my 3 mile run yesterday as John Mellencamp's song came through my ear buds. "You're life is now" sang in my ears. Those words made me think and I realized that even training for a marathon and losing weight with the ultimate goal being to cross the finish line or step on the scale to see my goal weight, the here and now is what is important. Keeping the goal in focus while still living every moment is so important because when I reach my goal I want to be able to look back on the journey and remember how amazing it was.
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